Kenneth H. Thompson was born in 1952 in Brooklyn NY.
Due to the negative atmosphere at home with Stepfather
Kenneth was a very unhappy child . His mother sent him
to live with his aunt and uncle who became his parents
through adoption. Growing up was a very strict upbringing for Kenneth.
To escape reality Kenneth loved reading books . His favorite topics were biography's of famous people and he also liked mythology.
Due to a dislike of authority he used to go in and out of reform schools being labeled a wayward minor (juvenile delinquent). Growing up Kenneth got along with almost anyone and was well liked. He went to the YMCA in Huntington Long Island and learned how to swim very well and leadership tools. School wasn't his favorite thing because of authority of elders whose strictness he defied. Later on in his life's journey he learned that the guidance from elders was for his own well being.

All his life Kenneth didnt know it but he was learning about balance and its causes and effects.
Kenneth changed his outlook on authority and seeked it out from the elders to learn more about life.
As an adult Kenneth had his bout with addictions and one of the things that saved him was the love of God he had in his soul.
He studied other religions and beliefs and also became a Buddhist. Today his thoughts are not of religion but spirituality and that all of us are
in this life's study together. Kenneth still believes that ones balance is key to survival
Kenneth H Thompson